The Mountains, Around

I’m out hiking and camping in the wilderness right now, and can’t seem to find time to sort through the hundreds of photos I’m taking.
Here are a few of the mountains I’m now spending time in…

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The views around here are impressive

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The road chose Jeep?

I’ve switched back over to Argentina, and am still enjoying a great run of sunny days and mountain-cool nights.

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Ready to get back into the mountains

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Windy roads & mountains


2 Responses

  1. Scott says:

    Hey Dan,

    I met ya in Ecuador at the Cotopaxi hostel! Long time no talk. I’m going to Guatemala with a friend and we’re thinking about renting a car to just trek around to the sites before we volunteer there…I know you drove through…Is it pretty safe? Would you recommend it? Or do you think we should just hit up public transportation? Time is kind of an issue, so that’s why we were thinking about it…and it’s pretty cheap..But neither of us have been to central america so we wanted your insight :)


    • Dan says:

      Hey Scott,
      Great to hear from you again man, glad to hear you’re getting into the think of things once again!
      I had absolutely zero problems in Guatemala, and it was my favorite country in Central America. Driving around would be a great option – it’s a pretty big place and most of the attractions are spread out. Riding the public transport, affectionately called “Chicken Buses” is part of the fun as well, so you’ll have to decide what you’re looking for. Figure out where you want to go, and seriously think about getting a 4×4 – there are some very nasty roads.
      Enjoy man, I’m sure you will!

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