Video: A Chimp Stole My GoPro
A sneaky chimp climbed up on my back and took my GoPro for a run through the jungle! -Dan
A sneaky chimp climbed up on my back and took my GoPro for a run through the jungle! -Dan
Spending time with the Drill Monkeys and Chimps is a once in a lifetime experience I will never forget! -Dan
Many people worry about corrupt Police and Military in undeveloped countries throughout Africa and Latin America. They assume you must have a huge stack of money to pay endless bribes. Here on hidden camera...
(My Nigeria crossing starts with the story Into Nigeria. You should begin reading there) In the morning we are woken by the sounds of the village – people chatting happily and making fires to...
(My Nigeria crossing starts with the story Into Nigeria. You should begin reading there) Anticipating a massive final day in Nigeria, we are on the move early once again. We top off everything we...
(My Nigeria crossing starts with the story Into Nigeria. You should begin reading there) We reluctantly pack up camp and bid farewell to the Afi Mountain Drill Ranch. It is a very special place,...