Improve Your Travel Photography!

You have probably noticed my photography has taken a huge step up since the Alaska to Argentina Expedition, and another HUGE step up over the last six months or so. That’s because my girlfriend Emily is a professional photographer and has been teaching me all of her skills, tricks and tips.

Now you can benefit too! Emily has just written an eBook to help you improve your travel photography too!

It’s called Travel Photography: A Guide to Gearing Up, Shooting, Processing and Sharing: For Weekend Getaways, World Travels and Everything In Between and is now available on Amazon.

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Travel Photography by Emily Sheff

The book is extremely comprehensive, and is broken down into four easy sections


Whether you’re heading out for a long weekend in the countryside, or on a multi-month off-the-beaten path expedition, you’ll never regret having great photographs of your trip to look back on and share with others. Take great photographs and you’ll cherish the memories of your world travels for many years to come.

Check it out on Amazon now!


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