Chasing Alexander Supertramp Into The Wild

After all these years, one expedition and one experience stands above all others.

My trip report, The Magic Bus still gets more daily hits than the rest of my site combined.
It’s also the most controversial topic

For a variety of reasons my thoughts have lately been drifting to Chris, the bus, and my still fresh feelings.

In September this year Jon Krakauer wrote a new article (How Chris McCandless died) with new facts and information about a possible amino acid that may have lead to Chris’ death at the bus. Again, Krakauer makes the case that Chris was not an idiot, and died due to circumstances outside his direct control.

Today, my friend Eva Holland published a new article about the people that make the often dangerous pilgrimage to The Magic Bus, titled Chasing Alexander Supertramp Into The Wild
Talking with Eva about my time at the bus brought back a flood of memories of my different life, and the desire for me to visit the bus again.

magic bus 142 dan 640x480

For those interested in the continuing story and admiration for Chris, I highly recommend you give both a read.

UPDATE: Another great article has just been posted today. It seems Chris’ story, and the pilgrims, can’t stay out of the headlines: The Chris McCandless Obsession Problem


4 Responses

  1. James says:

    people are quick to judge what they do not understand. its much easier to call someone a foolish wacko for breaking from the mold than truly understand what the person is or was trying to accomplish with their life.

    was chris under-prepared? perhaps. but at least he died attempting to live life the way he wanted instead of the way others pressured upon him and for that he must be admired.

    very cool article by your friend, i really love that layout and her writing

    look forward to your next adventure my friend and hope our paths cross one day.


    • Dan says:

      Thanks for the thoughts James. I’m certain our paths will cross. Next adventure is looking BIG.

      Are you guys going to Overland Expo 14? I’m still on the fence a little.


  2. Chet McDonald says:


    I cant believe this post didnt have the most followings. Through all my daydreams in school bored off by butt and all the fussings I got as a kid about not having my mind on what I was doing It hit me like a ton of bricks that I was the same exact kid Chris McCandless was. I was always dreaming about whats on the other side of the hill or just beyond the horizon. I grew up a caged animal yearning to be set free in the wild. I finally did it, I went to Alaska and every minute I am away from that place I am thinking of it.

  3. Roger Huaman says:

    I just want to be able to clear my mind, heart and soul. Though I’m not entirely sure how to live off the land from the get go. I will ease into it. I’m only 26 and I am wanting to experience life instead of watching it pass by.

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