Angola Ends

Angola is only the second country in Africa where I have extended my one month visa, and I have been here just over six weeks now, loving every second. After a brutal civil war it’s clear the people just want to get on with a happy and loving life, and they are ready to welcome tourists to their magic country.

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The baobab’s have been mighty in Angola

During my time here literally hundreds of people have come up simply to say welcome and shake my hand. Even with a language barrier due to my lack of Portuguese, every single person smiled warmly and I genuinely felt welcome. Added to the extremely warm people, Angola itself is a beautiful country. Jungle, mountains, perfect beaches, deserts and everything in between, Angola really does have it all. I genuinely hope they can diversify their economy a bit so they are not entirely dependent on oil, the current low price is the sole reason for their current development slump.

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This guy changed to almost jet black!

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I have no idea what this is, but there are a lot of them!

For the final night we move South after visiting more tank wrecks and impressive baobab trees. After seeing some many large insects and a chameleon on the road, we find yet another fantastic wild camp just off the side of the sandy dirt road. Soon some young boys come to say hello, and are very proud to show off their clearly home-made bow and arrows.

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The baobab’s have been mighty in Angola

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The boys visiting camp

The night is cool and clear, and I reluctantly moving in the morning, aiming for a border crossing I have been dreaming about for a very, very long time.

After 3,088 miles – by far the most in any country so far – it’s time to say goodbye to Angola.

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21,042 miles complete through 17 countries in Africa

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The final campsite

Namibia is next!


3 Responses

  1. Karl Gilis says:

    The insect is the corn cricket. other names are the armoured katydid or armoured ground cricket.

    Love reading your adventures. Hope you love Namibia.

  1. December 22, 2017

    […] and I'm certain I will be back some day. After 6 weeks I have only scratched the surface. More: Angola Ends | The Road Chose Me I'm looking forward to Namibia! […]

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