The road chose me Going where others don't dare

It sure makes for a great backdrop 6

Around Limbé

In need of some major R&R I move only a short distance down to Limbé, and the beach at mile 6. This beach has had camping for as long as anyone can remember, and...

A typical town in Cameroon, trash on every single surface, open sewer 8

Chinese Road Construction

Since setting foot on this Continent I have seen evidence of Chinese construction all over. Never has it been more obvious, and on such a scale as here in Cameroon. The Chinese are making...

Another shot of camping at Lake Nyos 8

Lake Nyos and Around

Lake Nyos, in the extreme North of The Ring Road, is probably the most deadly lake in the world. In 1986 a mysterious gas eruption from the lake killed up to 3000 people. A...

Repairing the truck on the side of the road 3

Cameroon Mountain Wanderings

I continue to put around The Ring Road, stopping in small towns and villages to checkout the history and culture, before re-supplying and camping each night among the mountains and huge eucalyptus trees. Every...

All of these are for sale. They are not cheap 4

Foumban and Around

Foumban, a large sprawling city, is the capital of the Bamoun people, a civilization dating from the fourteenth century. It’s a supremely beautiful city with many sculptures, monuments and other decorations dotting the city....