The road chose me Going where others don't dare

Sunset is spectacular 1

Tundavala Gap

The Tundavala Gap is the edge of a massive escarpment that lies not far outside Lubango. The top lies at around 7,200ft, while the valley floor is around 3,200 feet, so as you can...

Lubango sign 0

Around Lubango

The city of Lubango sits in the mountains, giving it a fantastic climate. Never too hot, and always cool at night, exactly what I have been dreaming of. The city also has quite a...

Morning walks to high vantage points 5

The Namib Desert, Angola Pt. 2

We continue moving through the Namib Desert, the landscape always changing. At times it’s sandy and barren, and then other times rocky with the odd tree. As we drive deeper into the heart of...

One of the few trees I found in the Namib 8

The Namib Desert, Angola Pt. 1

We plan to head deep into the Namib desert, into the very South Western Corner of Angola, close to the border of Namibia. The maps and GPS show extremely few roads, and not a...