Category: Hiking

The view while soaking = amazing 3

Goldbug (Elk Bend) Hot Spring

Of course I choose to keep going North, snow or no snow I’ve been told by many different people about Goldbug (Elk Bend) Hot Spring and I’ve seen enough pictures and heard many stories...

The not so mighty Tsusiat Falls 2

The West Coast Trail Pt. 2

(Be sure to read part 1 of my West Coast Trail story before reading the following) We are the only people in camp when we return from our walk to the Carmanah Giant, everyone...

Roger and Mike in a cable car 13

The West Coast Trail Pt. 1

Mike and I have been wanting to hike The West Coast Trail together ever since we came to Canada a few years ago. Severe weather a couple of winters ago delayed the opening of...

August Jacob’s Hot Spring 8

August Jacob’s Hot Spring

During my previous trip to the area with Mark, we tried to find the much rumored August Jacob’s Hot Spring. The spring is supposedly on Frank Creek, which is the only direction given. Our...